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Multi-award-winning Dark Fiction Author

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J.C. Brennan's journey began in Flint, Michigan, where she spent her formative years in the small village of Skidway Lake. A devoted mother of three and an academic scholar, Brennan's multifaceted talents extend far beyond the boundaries of traditional roles.


While her acquired skills and scholastic achievements provided the stepping stones out of her small-town upbringing, Brennan's heart remains firmly rooted in the landscapes of her youth. Her accolades, garnered from notable sources such as New Apple, Readers' Favorite, Literary Titan, New Apple Awards, and Pinnacle Book Achievement, stand as a testament to her dedication and excellence in her craft. Beyond the written word, Brennan is an expert seamstress and a talented painter.


Currently calling Arizona home, alongside her husband of sixteen years and cherished children and grandchildren, J.C. Brennan is hard at work on her next literary odyssey, weaving narratives that promise to enrapture readers anew. With each stroke of her pen, she continues to redefine the boundaries of imagination and creativity, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape.

Author J.C. Brennan

I have been told I have no filter and I speak my mind when I should sugar coat things. I am immune to sugar coating anything... I see no reason to do so.

Tell us something about J.C. Brennan, the Writer


I’m married, with three children and seven grandchildren—six boys and one girl. People often say I have no filter, that I speak my mind when maybe I should sugarcoat things. But I’m immune to sugarcoating. I see no reason for it.


How did you start writing Supernatural Fantasy / Horror novels? Why these genres?


These are my favorite genres. Supernatural Fantasy and Horror let me explore my deepest fears and fantasies. I love that I can write about anything that comes to mind, whether it’s grounded in reality or not. There are no limits to these genres; they offer true creative freedom—or maybe even the freedom of a demented mind, depending on how you look at it!


Do you draw inspiration for your characters from real people, or are they purely from your imagination?


Most of my characters come to me through dreams. Others are based on real people, from my perspective.


What was the first book you published?


A Fine Line: The Beginning


Of your books, which one is your favorite and why?


I’d say Eternal Bloodlines. I enjoyed weaving in historical characters like Vlad Tepes and Mihnea cel Rău, and I think I managed to give the story one hell of a twist.


Without giving spoilers, is there something you're excited for readers to discover in this book?


Yes—the ending.


What is your dream for your books?


My dream is for readers to truly enjoy my books. I love to read, and some books reach out and grab your attention and emotions, pulling you into a world so vivid that it feels as if you’re there, experiencing it alongside the characters. That’s exactly what I want my books to do.


Can you share something personal about Janet, the woman? What moves you? What is your driving force?


No one has a perfect life, and that includes me. I’ve been through some rough times, and I’m grateful for the strength that got me through. I use those difficult experiences to help me appreciate the good things life has to offer. Nature’s beauty moves me deeply. Whether it’s a warm summer day at the beach, a hike in the woods, the mountains, or the ocean, I’m always in awe of what Mother Nature has created. So many mysteries are left to discover and enjoy.


​​​​​​​As an Indie author, how do you find the whole publishing process?


Intense. That’s the best word to describe it.


What is the most rewarding part of being an author?


The feeling of accomplishment. As an author, you put something into the world that’s everlasting. Good or bad (hopefully good!), you’ve created something eternal.


On the flip side, what's a challenge of the writing life that many people might not realize?


Time and writer’s block. Managing time is tough, and there are many late nights. But writer’s block is probably the hardest. If someone watched me during one of those times, they’d think I was insane. I’ve spent hours sitting in front of my computer without writing a single word. I’ve laughed, cried, ranted, and done things I’d rather not talk about. But once you finish that last word, wow. Nothing you’ve gone through seems to matter anymore.


How do you balance the business side of being an author with the creative side?


I don’t! LOL! I struggle with the business side and would rather just write, but I get through it with a little help.


Any advice for aspiring writers trying to break into the industry?


Talk to as many indie authors as you can and take notes—seriously. I jumped in with both feet and made a lot of mistakes I could have avoided. Patience and persistence are essential. Writing takes time, and it won’t always come easily. Don’t quit because of one failure; pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again.


What's next? Do you have another book in the pipeline?


I’ll be re-publishing A Fine Line series. It’s been off the market for a while, and there are new books in the series I’m excited about. Revamping and bringing this series back to readers will be an adventure.


Just for fun:

What is your nickname?


JC, a nickname my grandmother gave me.


If you could have any fictional character over for dinner, who would it be and why?


Pinhead from Hellraiser. I’d love to have a long conversation with him, dig deep into his thoughts, and figure out what makes him tick—besides the obvious, of course.


What's a book you recently read and loved?


Most recently, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. No, it’s not a horror story, but it’s one of those books you can’t get enough of. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it.​


Can you share a picture of your writing space, where the magic happens?


We recently purchased a new home and I haven't fixed my office yet. Here's what I have for now. I'll update this when I'm done.​​​

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